May 13, 2009 is the anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Andalas that to 24. Like humans, the age of 24 years can already be considered an adult who is synonymous with independence, reliability, resilience, wisdom, and so forth. This paper outlines convey the Faculty of Engineering Unand development since its inception to the present who wish to accelerate in the future become an increasingly technical faculty is world class.

In the process of development, the Faculty of Engineering Unand refers to a predetermined vision of "a qualified engineering faculty and has a national and international reputation" which is in line with Unand vision is "To become a leading University and dignified". Furthermore, this vision is achieved by making long-term plans, medium and short set forth in the mission, strategic plan and annual activity plan. There are 4 factors that improved quality is to be the key to success in achieving the vision of the faculty of lecturers, the intake of students, facilities and infrastructure and academic staff, as well as the implementation process of three responsibilities of Higher Education itself. In formulating the principles of effective planning and efficient become the primary basis for preparing the program in addition to continue to keep track of external developments which are always changing every time.

Within 24 years, the development of the Faculty of Engineering can be divided into two periods: 1. Period S1 Engineering Study Program since 1985 with two courses of study (Prodi), Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering and 2. Period Faculty of Engineering since 1994 with five Prodi S1 Mechanical Engineering ie, Civil, Industrial, Environmental and Electrical and Civil Engineering of the Prodi S2.

The first period was marked by several shortcomings, be it a lack of lecturers as well as lack of facilities and infrastructure. In the first period is the role of external institutions such as ITB, PT. Semen Padang, the Department of Public Works, PLN, local government and other institutions, become very important, in addition to support from other faculties at the University of Andalas in faculty and infrastructure facilities. Without the support of these institutions, supported by the high spirit of the lecturers who are relatively young at the time, and high fighting spirit of the students, it is not possible today. Alhamdulillah FT-Unand made it through these hard times.

The second period is characterized by beginning with the increasing number of majors along with starting the flow of aid from various parties such as the HEDS-JICA ADB Higher Education and EEDP-DIKTI. In this period, the number of lecturers and owned facilities and infrastructure is also increasing, including the construction of a new campus of Faculty of Engineering at Limau Manis Padang that were adopted since 2000 by three departments namely Department of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Then since 2005, two other majors are majoring in Industrial Engineering and Environmental Engineering after joining the Limau Manis Padang.


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