Mechanical Engineering Department (JTM) was established based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0233/P/1984, May 14, 1984 and Letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 25/Dikti/Kep/1984 dated May 15, 1984.

This Department received the first students in the academic year 1985/1986. Early in its development, JTM cooperation with ITB, PT. Semen Padang, PT PLN (Persero), and the Provincial Government of West Sumatra. Development efforts continued through the HEDS project which lasted from 1990-2002. efforts that have been made to improve the quality of education continue to be done.

In the period 1998-2006, the Department of Mechanical Engineering is accredited B. Since 2006 the Department of Mechanical Engineering accredited A (Decree No. 09198/AK-X-s1-017/UADTRS/X/2006). Since August 3, 2009, the Faculty of Engineering Andalas University has implemented the ISO 9001:2008 in administrative management recommended by SAI Global. No. QEC27090


A quality education institutions and national and international bereutasi in Mechanical Engineering for human welfare.


To produce high quality graduates in Mechanical Engineering so that they can compete in national and international level and with good and quick response to the development of cutting-edge design and technology


a. educate and train students to have basic knowledge, attitudes and professional skills in the field of mechanical engineering.

b. Develop and apply the methods of education and learning that can foster students' creativity in the field of mechanical engineering

c. Develop spirit to want to keep learning all the time (Life Long Learning).

To achieve the vision, mission and educational goals, the strategy is the following:

a. Create a competency-based curriculum and relevant to the world of work.

b. Strengthen and empower with maximum facilities and infrastructure available to support the education process

c. Establish active collaboration with industry and higher education institutions within and outside the country

d. Always improving the quality of Tri Dharma University.

Beginning in the 2000-2020 Department of Mechanical Engineering has a long janka plan into educational institutions of national and international reputation in the field of mechanical engineering. one of the indicators to be achieved is the number of alumni about working in foreign companies. It is necessary to prepare graduates who have a mastery of advanced technology, has an active English language proficiency as well as having professionalism in work.

Mechanical Engineering Department is currently working with agencies including the following:

1. Bandung Institute of Technology
2. Toyohashi University of Technology
3. RWTH Aachen (Institut für Leichtbau)
4. PT. Semen Padang (Persero)
5. PT. PLN
6. PT. Astra Motor (Honda)
7. Regional Government of West Sumatra.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andalas University, also a member of Mechanical Engineering Cooperation Agency Indonesia (BKSTM) and penyelanggaraan ever to host the Annual National Seminar on Mechanical Engineering (SNTTM) to-2 in 2003. For the period of 2009-2012, the Secretary-General is held by the father of Prof. BKSTM. Dr.-Ing. Mulyadi Bur.

Graduated from Department of Mechanical Engineering Competency

1. Key Competency Degree Program 2008-2013:

a. Able to identify, formulate, and solve the problems associated with keteknikmesinan.

b. Ability to perform system design, product and process including aspects of materials using analytical methods, computational and experimental.

c. Ability to analyze engineering problems in a system widely using existing methods and is able to implement the results of the analysis of engineering problems.

d. Able to plan the process of making products including aspects of reading the image, translating the images in the work plan and process, the selection process of production, carving geometric considering the cost aspects.

e. Able to communicate and work together effectively

f. Understand and recognize professional responsibility and ethics

2. Supporting Competency Degree Program 2008-2013:

a. Having the ability in the field of practical engineering and quickly adapt to the use of engineering equipment.

b. Able to actively using information technology in carrying out, identify, formulate, and solve the problems of construction and manufacturing process of mechanical systems including aspects of materials using analytical methods, computational and experimental methods by using basic analytical, computational or experimental.

c. Having the ability in the field of management, decision-making process, economic and financial.

d. Able to apply the entrepreneurial attitude (entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship) in membangaun and develop the industry.

3. Other competencies Degree Program 2008-2013:

a. Able to use tools for solving problems related to industrial processes.

b. Able to use tools for solving problems related to the mining industry.

c. Able to use tools for solving problems related to agriculture industry.

Prospects Graduate

Demand for graduates in Mechanical Engineering from time to time continue to increase. The greatest demand are mainly in the automotive industry, manufacturing, petroleum, mining, process, electronics etc.. This is due as follows:

First: It is estimated that the future of better economic growth in Indonesia

Second: The number of local and foreign investors to set up a company in Indonesia, because Indonesia has huge market potential.

Third: the seriousness of the government in mencanakan industrial era in order to encourage both local and foreign investment to set up a company in Indonesia.

Fourth: the enactment of free trade on all levels, Southeast Asia, Asia and the world. Thus more and more jobs and the opportunity to be able to quickly get a job at the firm favorite.

But on the other side of the multi-national companies in this era of free markets prefer graduates who can communicate well in English as well as to follow the development of science and technology and have an attitude of professionalism in work. In addition, graduates are also able to work in teams, have the ability in management and computers.

Things to note, that from time to time, other universities are also continually improving the quality of its graduates. The challenge is no less serious is the growing development of the National Higher Education and Foreign Universities in Indonesia. Next to be seen the vigorous bid for the school in college from neighboring countries.


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